
Clash of the Titans 2010

1981年,那时候自己才9岁,阿姨带了我观看了Clash of the Titans. 电影的一些鲜明角色诸如北海怪兽,人头蛇,一众天神,那三个巫婆都让我“缅怀”至今。

2010年4月1日,Clash of the Titans 重新包装后在全世界同日上映,我兴奋的买了头场的票一头钻进电影院里先睹为快。基本上故事情节和1981年版的大同小异,在特技方面则生动逼真许多,很多大场面的打动情节都拍得栩栩如生。


最近,以神话为剧情的电影越来越多,只是,真正让人觉得拍出诚意和味道的,我还是推荐Lord of the Ring。电影,不能只靠特技来哗众取宠来灌票房,而且,电影已经是很多人日常生活的一部分,很多人已经被训练成出如何断定一部值得买票捧场的业余电影鉴赏者。虽然在马来西亚观赏电影只需要支付区区的10马币,但是,要让人观后留下好口碑,茶余饭后还对剧情喋喋不休的讨论,这才是导演的影响力和卖座原因。


Ricky Martin 的真相告白

今天早上收到好朋友Reuben的电子邮件,里头贴上了有关Ricky Martin在自己的博克的剖白,在此转载共享:

Many people told me: "Ricky it's not important", "it's not worth it", "all the years you've worked and everything you've built will collapse", "many people in the world are not ready to accept your truth, your reality, your nature". Because all this advice came from people who I love dearly, I decided to move on with my life not sharing with the world my entire truth. Allowing myself to be seduced by fear and insecurity became a self-fulfilling prophecy of sabotage. Today I take full responsibility for my decisions and my actions.

If someone asked me today, "Ricky, what are you afraid of?" I would answer "the blood that runs through the streets of countries at war...child slavery, terrorism...the cynicism of some people in positions of power, the misinterpretation of faith." But fear of my truth? Not at all! On the contrary, It fills me with strength and courage. This is just what I need especially now that I am the father of two beautiful boys that are so full of light and who with their outlook teach me new things every day. To keep living as I did up until today would be to indirectly diminish the glow that my kids where born with. Enough is enough. This has to change. This was not supposed to happen 5 or 10 years ago, it is supposed to happen now. Today is my day, this is my time, and this is my moment.

These years in silence and reflection made me stronger and reminded me that acceptance has to come from within and that this kind of truth gives me the power to conquer emotions I didn't even know existed.

What will happen from now on? It doesn't matter. I can only focus on what's happening to me in this moment. The word "happiness" takes on a new meaning for me as of today. It has been a very intense process. Every word that I write in this letter is born out of love, acceptance, detachment and real contentment. Writing this is a solid step towards my inner peace and vital part of my evolution.

I am proud to say that I am a fortunate homosexual man. I am very blessed to be who I am.